Monday, November 06, 2006

What a weekend

Pastor Hagee said God told him He wasn't a Democrat or a Republican... but you'd never know it from the sermon he gave later. (That's Rick Perry on the left, by the way. Rick thinks non-Christians are doomed.)

Hagee's Gawd hates gays, Gawd HATES gay marriage, and, although Gawd might forgive you (espcially if you put a bunch a money in tray as it goes by) but He doesn't just forgive anyone. Gawd supports the death penalty. If you're on death row, Hagee said you should strap yourself to the gurney and THEN we'd see if you really found Gawd. You owe a debt to society, so pay up!

And Gawd wants you to be rich. When you go to heaven, you get a big ole diamond to wear around your neck. It contains the meaning of your life. Here's Hagee's wife, dreaming of trading her pearls for that big white rock. (what about covetousness, greed, gluttony?)

The Cornerstone Church has a membership of around 17,000, and MILLIONS more nation-wide watch the services on tv. Lord, help us.

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